Justice, Love and Society

Our Justice system isn’t blind, it’s corrupted to disfunction

Tocqueville famously said that as long as America is good, America will be great.

It occurred to me that a society without justice is like a body without an immune system.

It also occurred to me that a society without love is like a body that cannot heal itself.

This may be why the Bible says that “Love covers a multitude of sins”.

As our society continues to decay and divide itself into smaller and smaller pieces with less and less productivity and more corruption and theft, I have come to believe that the core missing piece is true justice.

We now have Social Justice Warriors who mistake equality of outcome for justice.  That’s not it. 

Every crime done that harms someone or a group exacts an equal and opposite penalty on the society.  Unfortunately that penalty is almost invisible and rarely if ever visits the perpetrator of the crime.  The payment is often passed on to the next generation.

Without proper justice the payment inherent in the crime never disciplines the person that caused the crime.  If Justice convicts the innocent, it is very much like an auto-immune disease where the immune system attacks the body itself.  If Justice releases the guilty it is as if the body has a non-working immune system.

Many Americans are good at heart and display remarkable patience, long suffering, faithfulness and love and this is what is holding what is left of this country together.  Love is not lacking but our Justice system is completely broken and is key to repairing our society.

Retribution is not the answer but restitution is.

Get rid of the BAR association, 14 different editions of Blacks Law, and Justices motivated more by retirement benefits than by Justice and we might just have a chance.

Reworking this infested system is too slow and won’t help us in time.  Alternatives need to be invented to get our justice at the community level using outlawry and voluntary courts controlled by the people instead of the system.

About sanfords

Ex Microsoft Dev for 20 years. Currently retired at my ranch in Idaho near Kooskia. I like coaching Chess for kids so let me know if you are interested in those services.
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2 Responses to Justice, Love and Society

  1. megagenius says:

    He has showed you O man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8. Allen

  2. megagenius says:

    Because sentence against an evil is not executed speedily, therefore it is fully set in the heart of man to do evil. ________________________________

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